Community Representation
The community is represented by the Council on a wide range of non-Governmental and voluntary bodies.
GJRC has many other responsibilities, which include working in close cooperation with the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC), which it helps fund. SCoJeC represents Jews throughout Scotland in dealing with the Government and other official and statutory bodies. SCoJeC liaises with MSPs on any issues affecting the community and monitors the Scottish Parliament.
GJRC works closely with the BOD and sends a delegate to its meetings, held in London. It supports and liaises with the Community Security Trust, which is responsible for the physical defence of the community. It meets and maintains contact with other Rep Councils in the UK Northern Region.
In cooperation with local authorities, GJRC maintains an emergency plan for the community. It reacts promptly to all incidents that develop which might impinge upon the wellbeing of the community – for example, the presence of antisemitic material in public areas. GJRC regularly meets with local representatives including MSPs, MPs, Police Scotland, councillors and council officials and trade union leaders. As part of its role to further the interests of the community, GJRC meets with local journalists and editors.
GJRC works to prevent and combat discrimination against Jews in the workplace and elsewhere. In the 1980s, GJRC helped to found the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) and continues to support it. The Annual Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Meeting), is organised by a GJRC sub-committee. The event attracts 250 to 300 people.
GJRC advises educational bodies on Judaism and on topics relating to the Holocaust. It provides speakers on request for other organisations and arranges school visits to synagogues. It supports a diary of communal events, which is available on this website.