Community Information Page
An anti-Semitic Incident report form is available from the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities here.
The form can be used if the incident occurred in Scotland and does not require an urgent police response and:
You have been a victim of an anti-Semitic incident, have witnessed one or are reporting one on behalf of someone else.
When you have filled in the form please save it to your computer, and e-mail it as an attachment to [email protected], or print the form and post it to the address below. If appropriate, please also attach or enclose photographs of the incident or photocopies of any hate mail.
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, 222 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6UE.
This is a joint initiative between SCoJeC and the CST and has the support of Police Scotland. However, personal information (including your identity) will not be revealed to them without your explicit permission.
In an Emergency always dial 999, or if the matter is less urgent, contact Police Scotland on 101.
The ‘Code of Practice on the Exercise by Constables of Powers of Stop and Search of the Person in Scotland'<> Came into effect on the 11 May, 2017.
Police Scotland’s Stop and Search webpage has been revised and updated to support the introduction of the Code.
Here are links to:
Public Information Leaflet<>
Public facing video<>
Stop and Search webpage<>.
Please note that the video is also imbedded on the Stop and Search webpage.
If you have any questions please contact the National Stop and Search Unit(NSSU) at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]