Glasgow Jewish Representative Council

Main Line0141 577 8200
Alternative07377 992 918
Main Email[email protected]

Kosher Food

If you have difficulty accessing food or have other domestic and social needs, including concerns on behalf of family members, here are some other contacts who might be able to help: 

Jewish Care Scotland  0141 620 1800 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm) 

Jewish Care Scotland can be contacted by phone Monday to Thursday from 9am – 5pm on 0141 620 1800. During working hours Jewish Care Scotland’s professional team will provide advice, information, and support. You can also contact JCS digitally via e-mail [email protected] and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. 

Chai Cancer Care

Chai Cancer Care is the Jewish community’s dedicated cancer support organisation, enabling patients, family and friends to manage the impact of a cancer diagnosis. We provide expert physical, emotional and practical support delivered with care and sensitivity and in complete confidence. We operate from 11 centres across the UK, including Glasgow.

Chai provides an extensive range of specialised support services including counselling, complementary therapies, dietary advice and groups via zoom.

Our contact numbers are: Glasgow: 0141 638 2483 Helpline number: 0808 808 4567

Cosgrove Care – phone: 0141 471 1806 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pmSat-Sun 10am-3pm) or text: 07841 461 298 / 07841 461 398

Cosgrove are working with Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire to provide the services of volunteers and signpost those in need of support. Staff are along with over 100 volunteers are able to provide assistance with shopping; collecting prescriptions; local delivery of meal donated by a local restaurant; provision of food parcels to those in need; as well as isolation packs and online activities as required.

As a registered Service Provider with a number of local Councils, Cosgrove are able to provide practical support in the home, via their Care at Home Service and welfare checks for those who do not have local family

Jewish Helpline – 0800 652 9249. If you’re feeling alone, anxious, depressed, suicidal – or simply in need someone to talk to. Male, female, religious or not, Jewish Helpline are there for the whole community. 

JAMI (Specialist provider of mental health services in the Jewish Community) – 020 8458 2223 

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) – 0141 530 1000 (Mon-Fri, (9am-5pm)

Domestic Abuse Helpline (0808 801 500)

Jewish Women’s Aid

Sexual Violence Support (0808 801 0656)

Calendar Events

The community is very active with over 30 organisations holding events. For more information please visit our events calendar.

Job Opportunities

Organisations within the community and others we work with need volunteers and interns and sometimes have job opportunities.

Get in Touch

We want to hear from you and are happy to try and help. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.