Jewish Blind Society (Scotland)

Jewish Blind Society (Scotland)

Walton Community Care Centre, May Terrace, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6LD

Tel: 0141 620 3339  Email: [email protected]


Walton Community Care Centre, May Terrace, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6LD

Tel: 0141 620 3339

The Society, now in its 61st year, started off by providing care, entertainment, outings, readings and clubs for the blind and partially sighted members of the Jewish community.

Thankfully as time has progressed advances in medical science has enabled the successful treatment of many common eye conditions which has resulted in a reduction of those with blindness or visual impairment.  We now also assist those who are in financial hardship and are registered blind or partially sighted, who suffer from a physical disability and are non-ambulant, who have a chronic or terminal illness or who have age related special needs. We do this by continuing to fund individuals directly as well as by providing indirect support through organisations such as Jewish Care Scotland – directly and through their Hardship Fund, the Jewish Respite Fund and Chai Cancer Care in Glasgow. 

Chairman: Jonathan Lewis  Treasurer: Paul Winocour  Hon Secretary: Carole Blake

President: David Strang


Calendar Events

The community is very active with over 30 organisations holding events. For more information please visit our events calendar.

Job Opportunities

Organisations within the community and others we work with need volunteers and interns and sometimes have job opportunities.

Get in Touch

We want to hear from you and are happy to try and help. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.